Access Consultants Australia (ACA)

Improving members experience.

Website (In Progress)

The Challenge

© 2023

Makala Trezise

ACA — a national membership-based professional association for people working to achieve accessibility in the built environment — sought to develop a new website that was easy to navigate, met the expectations of its members, and focused on the core values of the organisation.

In 2022, Access Consultants Australia approached Newpath to develop a new website that focuses on its core values, is easy to navigate and meets the expectations of its members whilst promoting the organisation. Two key audiences were identified and their desirable website features were documented to include:

The primary audience, ACA members, needed a secure members portal that easily allowed for:

  • Updating their membership portal
  • Paying membership fees
  • Paying for CPD events
  • Lodging CPD activities to register points

For the secondary audience, other visitors, ACA sought to provide them with the ability to:

  • Easily find an access consultant
  • Learn about access consulting
  • Attend both in-person and online events

The Solution

© 2023

Makala Trezise

Deep diving into content and workflows to reduce redundancies and optimise the user experience.

To better understand how to achieve the key goals outlined by ACA, I conducted user persona and optimal user journey workshops. Here, an additional key user, the admin, was identified which assisted me to develop an optimal solution architecture.

Next, I mapped out their existing information architecture to better understand the current issues with the website. From there, I proposed a new information architecture that would serve as the foundation for interface designs.

Building upon the structure of the website, I created minimalistic interface designs that were easy to navigate. As the pages were looking a little sparse, I adapted an exisiting triangular branding element to add visual interest.

Restructuring the Information Architecture
Adhering to WCAG Guidelines
Improving the Backend Workflow

See other works

© 2023

Makala Trezise

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